What Clients Are Saying About The Lifestyle Business Quest...


"$57,647 and counting!"

"I just launched my Amazon consulting program and so far I've earned $57,647. I'm now working much less, earning much more, and loving my clients."


“$15,000 in new monthly income...”

"My monthly income has more than doubled and I'm gearing up to earn at least 5X what I used to earn monthly, all the while keeping it super simple and full of heart and soul."

Coach Nina 
"I am delighted to share my experience with the Lifestyle Business Quest. I enrolled in this program because I wanted to scale my online coaching business, and help even more people than I already do.  I’m so glad I did! Travis is an outstanding mentor who not only has a deep understanding of entrepreneurship and business development, he’s passionate about helping people achieve their dreams and provides amazing guidance and support. His program is packed with valuable information and practical tools that have helped me take my coaching programs to the next level. It's great to connect with him in this program, to get individualized recommendations and support. The Lifestyle Business Quest program has been a game-changer for me. Now I have the knowledge and the blueprint to expand my business without working 60 hour weeks, and I'm thankful for the support of his incredible team. I highly recommend Travis Greenlee's Lifestyle Business Quest to anyone who is serious about building or expanding a successful online business. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, Travis has the expertise and knowledge to help you achieve your goals. He’s also a super kind, genuine, supportive, and wonderful person. Thank you, Travis, for all that you do!" – Coach Nina
Coach Paul 
"The Lifestyle Business Quest has been an incredible experience that far exceeded my expectations. After more than two years of frustration attempting to build and expand my spiritual coaching and mentoring online business, I my breakthrough remained far over the horizon. I'd invested in a course platform and spent a lot of time and money on courses and programs, each one also recommended another coach or program as the next piece I needed (list building, product creation, marketing, launches, etc). I was frustrated and confused.  After a couple conversations with Travis, I felt confident that he was the right person at the right time and signed up. To say I am thrilled is an understatement! From the first week onward, I realized this was exactly what I'd been looking for - how to build a scalable, online coaching business that allows me to deliver a high value, results-driven program for my clients.  The step-by-step LBQ process requires focus, dedication and a willingness to do the work. I dove into the program and, in eight weeks, accomplished more than I have in the past two years. It’s a step-by-step process with each one building upon the previous lessons so at the end of the eight weeks, I had the required mindset, defined my ideal client and their needs, the ideal story to tell about myself and product, my message to market, and my ideal product design that would best serve my market. The next several steps introduced me to the LBQ Perpetual Client System to locate, communicate with and market to my ideal client with an organic outreach program and the software to automate the process. Lead generation, traffic school and a powerful enrollment script designed to connect with potential clients put the finishing touches on the system. Travis was there every step of the way to encourage, motivate and guide me to ensure I had the support needed to fully understand and implement each program module. Travis is a man with high integrity who deeply cares about his students and their success. His knowledge of marketing high-end coaching programs is both wide and deep and, with the core philosophy of Keep It Super Simple, helped ensure that I did not go chasing down rabbit holes or over complicate the process. I am grateful to Travis and highly recommend the List Building Quest. On a scale of 1-10, Travis Greenlee and the List Building Quest score an 11!!!"  - Coach Paul Flood Optimistic Heart
Coach Margie 
"Imagine wearing a blindfold and feeling your way around in the dark as a very determined entrepreneur trying to grow a business doing everything herself! That was me. Then I met Travis.   The first thing he did was take my blindfold off. You see, where we can make things complicated, he is a Master at making things simple. Truth is, he came along just when I hit a brick wall of frustration.  Figuratively, he removed the blindfold so I could see what I needed to do, and from there, my clarity came quick. He allowed me take a deep dive into my goals with an extraordinary one-of-a-kind coaching system that asks the edgy questions that most coaches are afraid to ask.   Why this is a critical foundational growth tool is because likely no one has ever asked these questions at this level before, and so for the first time, you're actually meeting the you, you want to become! From there, it's weekly check-ins and step-by-step systems that allow you to succeed.   The coaching is one-on-one and group coaching, so not only are you getting individualized coaching, but it's customized to your growth, and it moves rapidly! Trust me, Travis' experience allows him to go as fast as you want to or will match your pace, but I guarantee, he is always one step ahead with that advice.   Travis sees things I don't see and points them out. His coaching has transformed me from lack of clarity, wanting to serve everything, thinking I could do it all working 18 hours a day to a VERY focused, organized and highly confident coach with crystal clarity on my message to market, serving a very niched targeted market.   I would still be flailing around in the dark had I not invested in myself by bringing Travis onto my team. I am proud to let others know that Travis is my coach. His systems, structure and strategies are top notch and uniquely designed for rapid success. I went through many coaches before I found Travis Greenlee.   When you find the best of the best, you stick. If you want the support of an amazing and vetted community along with the accountability of a caring coach, you have found your new home.   When you bring the commitment, discipline and devotion to this program, you will find the only thing left is the key to success - and Travis is that key you've been searching for. It opens many news doors for you, and every door offers a new, successful opportunity.   Let your someday be TODAY! – Coach Margie Transformational Speaker/Cash & Confidence Coach/Bestselling Author 
Coach Peter 
"I joined Lifestyle Business Quest because I wanted to move from one-on-one coaching and consulting with individuals and corporate clients to a business that would allow me to scale and serve dozens of clients simultaneously. In scaling, I was concerned about losing the personal touch with the clients that was such a big part of my clients’ success. Lifestyle Business Quest was exactly what I needed. It taught me how to scale my business in a way that is both high tech and high touch. My business is now set up so that I have a perpetual stream of qualified leads coming in from a few social media posts, a software system that sends targeted messages to these leads, and an automated program that automatically manages my course for each client while providing them with a personalized one-on-one feel. I started out struggling to enroll clients, with just two or three per year. As a result of participating in Lifestyle Business Quest, I’m now averaging 3-4 new clients per month and $10,000 - $20,000+ in monthly revenue. And I’m just getting warmed up! My results keep getting better as I continue to apply what I learned from Travis." – Coach Peter Director, Peake Human Capital Consulting, LLC
Coach Ross
"Travis has been an absolute game-changer in my life by empowering me to turn my long-held dream of helping people level up their communication into a reality. For years I had this idea bouncing around in my head, but I never quite had the courage or program to bring it to fruition. That's when I discovered Travis and the Life Business Quest, and it was like a lightbulb moment. From our very first interaction, Travis's enthusiasm, expertise, and genuine passion for helping others shone through, and I knew I was in good hands. Travis's program is not just about creating a business; it's about transforming your mindset and unlocking your true potential to get past the 'what if' and into the 'knowing it will happen'. Through his guidance and mentorship, Travis has not only equipped me with the practical tools and strategies needed to launch and grow a successful coaching business, but he has also instilled in me a powerful belief in myself and my skill set. With his expertise, guidance, and unwavering support, you'll not only create a thriving business but also experience personal growth and fulfillment beyond measure. I am forever grateful to Travis for helping me turn this dream into reality.  Thank you!" - Coach Ross Kimball Performance Coach - Show Up Better 
Coach Michelle 
"I joined the Quest as a last ditch effort to save my business. I have enjoyed coaching as a full time hobby for 6 years, helping people by giving them SO much of my time. I’d run out of energy and didn’t know how to change my structure. Big financial goals showed me it was time to take this seriously.  Right away Travis showed me a new path to coaching - I could really help people transform without giving my life to them. Encouraging me every step of the way to keep it simple and avoid perfectionism paralysis.  With his guidance my confidence is boosted, my offerings are stronger, and I have finally written my Integrative Health course, Vibrant Living, something I’ve been stuck on for 3 years! I love that I’ll be able to have a life while making a living helping as many women as possible to feel and look their best! Thank you Travis - Coach Michelle Founder at Revolve Fitness
Coach David 
"Before I joined the Lifestyle Business Quest I was floundering. I spent a ton of money on programs, courses, and coaching services all promising to generate leads and paying clients. None of them delivered on what they promised. However, Travis over delivered on his promises.  Travis is authentic and sincere. It was his encouragement, support, and unique training methods that helped me create a premium program for which I charge a premium price and more importantly, my clients get premium results. What I learned was how to deliver a clear, concise, and compelling message to market to that is powerful in connecting with my ideal client.  I learned how to build and create a hybrid coaching program that is super simple, succinct, and delivers amazing results for my clients. Travis came into my life at just the right moment because I was feeling frustrated and ready give up. Travis offered me hope. Lifestyle Business Quest was EXACTLY what I needed. With Travis’ step-by-step guidance I became super clear about what I offered, how to connect with my ideal client, and the golden results my clients receive from working with me. Travis elevated my confidence as I learned how to be effective with my messaging. He provided tremendous resources and training tools. I am grateful and deeply thankful for Travis and all the expertise, love, encouragement, support, and enthusiasm he brings to his business coaching.  I’m blessed and to have made the right decision to invest in the Lifestyle Business Quest. It has been insightful, informative, and he is the best coach with the best program! I highly recommend working with Travis if you’re ready to step up your game, or if you’re feeling lost on what you can do to improve yourself and your business as I was.  – Coach David 
Coach Lori 
"I found Travis at just the right moment. I have been in the health & wellness field for over two decades, growing and evolving my business over time, and I was feeling ripe and ready to increase both my capacity to serve my clients in the best way possible and my income in order to truly thrive. What Travis offers through his Lifestyle Business Quest was EXACTLY what I needed in order to receive incredible guidance and support. I was able to become super clear about what I offer, which area of the market I serve best, and what golden results my clients receive from working with me. Travis guided me, step by sequential step, to keep things simple while also elevating my clarity and confidence as I optimally share my gifts with the world. I loved every step of the process! I felt consistently inspired and challenged to grow, and I gained a great amount of helpful tools and resources that I'm positive will bless me and my lifestyle business for many months and years to come. I feel deeply thankful for Travis and all the expertise and loving enthusiasm he brings to his business coaching. I couldn't have picked a better program and a better coach! Already, within a month of implementing the various elements of Travis' program, my monthly income has more than doubled and I'm gearing up to earn at least 5 X what I used to earn monthly within the next 3 months. I highly recommend working with Travis and embarking on the Lifestyle Business Quest Journey if you are ready to step up your game, all the while keeping it super simple and full of heart and soul."
Coach Christine 
"I found Travis while burning up my time on Facebook watching others succeed while wishing and hoping my Life Coaching and Nutrition business would take off without doing much, a few post here and there, doing some ad's talking to a few people who promised results and just took my money, and not delivering on their promises to success with my business and personal goals. I have been in the health, wellness and life coaching field for a while without results knowing what I have, has value to help many people, but I was stuck spinning my wheels saying this is how it was supposed to be. HARD!!! I was feeling it shouldn't be this hard there has to be a better way, then Ta'Da' Travis show's up in my feed, I was hesitant to spend more money on yet another program, put I needed a system, platform, and process that got results that would serve my clients. What Travis offers through his Lifestyle Business Quest was EXACTLY what I needed. I receive incredible guidance and support. I was able to become super clear about what I offer, which market I serve, and what results my clients receive from working with me. Travis guided me, through the process, held me accountable keeping me clear, concise, and compelling with simplicity while developing my content to serve my clients Golden results, I have no doubt this system Travis created, helps coaches all over the world deliver the positive impact and legacy envisioned by heart centered coaches. I loved every step of the process! I was consistently stretched beyond my limited thoughts. I was impowered to achieve the limitless opportunities of possibilities. The helpful tools and resources Travis offers, the 30 years of expertise, the energy, enthusiasm, and results he brings to his business coaching. I couldn't have picked a better program! I have tons of leads, Already, within a month of implementing the various elements of Travis' program, I'm gearing up to launch my program in the next few months, living the life I love, being free to travel, spend more time with family and helping others do the same. I highly recommend working with Travis, take a leap of faith like I did and open up to the Lifestyle Business Quest Journey Be in the game and stop sitting on the side lines wishing for success, This is Your TIME!!!, you ready to step up your game, keeping it super simple, full of new discoveries, heart centered and doing what you love." Keep Shining Bright, - Coach Christine Life Vision Investments
Coach Stuart 
"KISS - Keep it Super Simple... This is Travis Greenlee's motto and one we all need to live by 🙂 Before I started working with Travis I felt I had taken every course, programme and training possible but I was still no further forward in building a sustainable business. After 8 weeks of being coached by Travis, not only do I have a business, I have a system for keeping that business going and thriving by just putting in an hour a day... JUST an hour a day!! I'll be honest on some days it was a bit overwhelming BUT that's when Travis 'magically' popped up to give me some encouragement and motivation. Without his calming attitude (and his ability to lead by example) I wouldn't have coped. "Remember KISS, Stuart, Keep It Super Simple!!" If, like me, you have a dream to help people (in my case, parents with anxious children) and still haven't made it work, then Travis and the Lifestyle Business Quest is for you. No more messing around; this could be the last programme you may ever take. Seriously! Peace and love to you and your future business. - Coach Stuart 
Coach Carla 
"I believe God brings the right people into your life at the right time. I have been in the ministry for over 40 years and felt to step outside the church walls to help others in their time of need. When I connected with Travis, I knew it was a Godsend to help me pursue what I had been struggling with which was to get clear and concise about how I would serve better in impacting the lives of others. Through this journey in the Lifestyle Business Quest, I have gained deeper clarity and confidence. I don’t feel like I have to be in a frenzy to get to the ones that I can impact but to manage my time and energy with more clarity and become more effective in what I do. Anytime I had questions Travis was always right there to help guide and bring understanding with a cheerful attitude. He went above and beyond to help in any way needed to make sure I didn’t feel or get stuck but continue with enthusiasm on what was ahead. He is very knowledgeable in what he does and brought assurance that the goals I am wanting to achieve is attainable. I now have strategies and tools set in place that will lead me to the growth in my life that I was needing to bring much success in what I am pursuing. I highly recommend having Travis as your coach, through his Lifestyle Business Quest, which will lead you to the life you love."
Coach Emily 
"I found Travis at just the right time. I have been a Life Transformational Coach and Energy Healing Practitioner for 18+ years, along with a Senior Executive in Startups and the Corporate world. While working as an Executive in Startups and Corporate, I have continued to evolve and grow my Coaching/Mentor Business. Upon connecting with Travis, I had recently walked away from my six figure job and ready to increase both my capacity to serve my clients in the best way possible and my income in order to truly thrive in my business. The Offerings that Travis created and offers through his Lifestyle Business Quest was in perfect alignment with what I needed in order to receive incredible guidance and support. With Travis' professional and personable guidance, I was able to become super clear about what my business direction and offerings are going to be, which area of the market I serve best, and what golden results my clients receive from working with me. Travis guided me, as he did everyone individually, step by sequential step, to keep things super simple while also continuing to raise my awareness, clarity and confidence, as I listen to my clients needs and continue to sharing through my offerings, my gifts and natural talents with the world. Timing was perfect in connecting with Travis! I grew as a person and loved every step of the process! I continue to feel inspired to continue my growth as I continue to utilize the extremely helpful tools and resources that Travis so generously shared throughout the course, for months/years to come. I am filled with deep gratitude and very thankful for all the expertise that Travis shared with a daily love and enthusiasm as we all learned a new way of starting and running a successful business with all the right tools and a solid process. I couldn't have picked a better program and a better coach than Travis! Already, within only a few weeks, I have my systems in place and already having 2-3 enrollment calls daily, something I was really struggling to get booked on my calendar before. I am on track to make between $25k - $35k by end of this year. I am also gearing up to make upwards of $400k+ in 2022. My monthly income will more than double in 2022 than what it has been year over year in recent years. If you are ready to do the work and embark on a journey of building a successful business, living a life of your dreams and having the freedom you desire, now is the time to contact Travis to join the Lifestyle Business Quest Family! You will experience a once in a lifetime journey of pure bliss and happiness by experiencing what it is like to mange life by "keeping it super simple".  Love and Joy, Coach Emily 
Coach Shirley 
"I've been coaching and mentoring clients for many years and in the process of building my own enterprise, I felt like I was stuck and not knowing what to do next.  Along came Travis and Lifestyle Business Quest to take me to the next level, with incredible guidance and support.  The program was exactly what I needed to get clear on what I offer, what golden results my clients are looking for, and how to reach the clients that are ready for my services.  Keeping the process super simple, it allowed me to see I don't have to over think things, it gave me clarity on how I wanted to live and work and the confidence to show up as my best self.  The process challenged and inspired me, afforded me amazing tools and it all led to amazing growth, in both my personal and business life. I've accomplished so much in the last 8 weeks, more than I have in the last year!  I highly recommend working with Travis and embarking on the Lifestyle Business Quest Journey, if you are ready to step up your game, while loving who you are in the process!"
Coach Patty 
"Travis came into my life and business when I was about to give up and find a job.   I knew there had to be an answer out there as to how to grow my business.   My frustration was that I had the knowledge and was able to get results for clients, I just could figure out a way to get the clients.   As soon as I had an initial conversation with Travis I quickly saw that he had the answers that I had been searching.   I am so grateful for his help and look forward to continue to work with Travis as I build my business to the extent that I have wanted.   For the first time in five years I actually believe that I have a way to accomplish my goals.   So if you are considering working with Travis, jump in and join the Lifestyle Business Quest.   I believe you will find it as beneficial as I have."
Coach Genie 
"I am so excited. Now that I know what I really know what I do as a life coach and who are my ideal clients I am more at peace and I am excited to see where all of this goes. I feel like God and his angel up in heaven are saying: "Yay! Genie finally got it and they are raining down blessing upon me.  All of a sudden my clients are referring me more than ever before. They are sending me gifts. That rarely happens. This past week a client paid me $25.00 more for a session, because she got results quicker than she expected and she and her husband are moving forward together.  Another client sent me and (Peaches) my dog early birthday gifts because she now loves her life. The two clients I did discovery sessions with were speaking as if they had read my story and my message ahead of time. I sat in awe as I discovered I really know their struggles. This is exciting to me because I always wanted to tell my story, but I had no idea which one and how it would relate to others. In less than a month I've nailed it. Thanks to your coaching, and me being determined to go pro and play full out. The hot seat I think was the turning point for me. When you asked me to share my hook, I knew it wasn't good. Let's be honest. When you asked me if you could coach me in that moment I felt so uncomfortable, It was hard enough sharing my stuff before it was perfected, much less sharing it with everyone in the room. It was humbling, but it was game changing.  After that I went to work and then everything flowed and I feel like I threw a 60 yard touch down. I am so grateful I didn't say "no I'm good" but instead decided to be coached on the playing field. The results are undescribable! Thanks for everything Travis and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next and how this all comes together. I do love the hybrid model!"
Coach Ilene 
"I've experienced a "gap" for my entire 50-year career as a psychotherapist. While I was self-employed and ran my own business, I didn't really know fully about business! Years of working and single-parenting left little room to learn. It's been my intention to learn about how to do a positive and powerful business before the end of my life. I've taken several courses, but never one that taught me as much as this one (thanks!). Lifestyle Business Quest pushed me to really identify and understand what I want and need to do to share my purpose of developing Emotional Mastery with the world. The modeling approach Travis offers, plus the support (Travis and also vetted support teams) was both powerful and confidence-building. I have loved the "hot seat" personal coaching sessions. It's great to be able to ask your own questions as they arise. In my professional life I have never had other course/program and coaching experience that was at all comparable in its depth of impact, breadth of learning, and personal challenge. Thanks so much!" 
Coach Marilyn 
"After months of training and certification, I knew what I wanted to do, but was stuck as to how to get out there, launch, and enroll clients. Meanwhile, my debts for all the Certification and Training were screaming for attention. I am a brand new Life and Success Coach. As a retiree, I started my relationship with technology on a Commodor64, using floppy discs. In my mind, the whole process of launching an on line business was overwhelming and excruciating.. I needed to get this done. Luckily, I came across Travis and his Lifestyle Business Quest, scheduled a call, and BOOM! I was on the track to having an actual business. This program is the real deal! Within the first 3 weeks, I was able to get super clarity about what to offer, where to find my prospective clients , and what golden results those clients would get by working with me. Then came the technology part. Travis guided me patiently through each step in sequence. With his Keep it Super Simple approach. I was able to complete the set up of all the necessary tech elements, while inspiring me to use the many tools and resources made available to streamline automation of the many client management systems in the program. So now, I am up and ready to serve! Thanks to Travis and his team of tech magicians. The weekly coaching sessions were validation of my efforts, and gave me the momentum to go into the next week of forward motion toward my goal of launching and finally coaching. Without Travis, I know that 2023 would be the successful and fulfilling year that I look forward to. There is something powerful about the consistent support, guidance and encouragement that Travis provides, and I am so very grateful to have received my portion of this. He gave me what I needed to develop competence and the confidence that comes with it."

Book Your Free Lifestyle Business Breakthrough Session Now...

Travis Greenlee

Master Lifestyle Business Mentor As a pioneer in the life and business coaching industry, Travis has spent the past 25 years helping heart-centered, passionate coaches to grow Thriving $250k+/yr Lifestyle Businesses while making a bigger impact, enjoying more personal freedom, and living the lives they truly love. ✌️❤️🙏

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